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Dance Classes at OMS

The dance classes at Oakbrook Middle School are sequential in their pedagogy, building upon skills from elementary school during 6th grade dance, then expanding on those during 7th grade while furthering content and preparing for high school in 8th grade. Although dancers in all classes are not expected to be experts in dance yet, they are expected to be explorers and adventurers who are willing to try all of the new and weird things we try in dance. Click on a class below to see what we are up to.

6th Grade

The first and most basic dance class at OMS, offered as semester classes in the fall and spring. Click on the link to find out more.



7th Grade

The second dance class which builds upon skills learned in 6th grade. Offered as both a year-long , serious study course and as an exploratory semester course.  Click on the link to find out more.



8th Grade

The final dance class offered at OMS, offered both as a semester exploratory course as well as a year-long course for either 8th grade or high school credit. Click on the link to find out more.

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